Sex, Lies & Religion by Randy Elrod is a must buy book for any newly married or long-time married couple. Randy Elrod has written a book that will change your sexual relationship with your spouse and your spiritual relationship with God.
I grew up with grandparents that felt that sex was done in the dark and only for the act of procreation. My parents never talked about sex and the most I knew was from the porn magazines that my dad hid in his room. For readers of my blog, they'll remember my post on 1/8/09 where I tell my weight loss story. In it I reveal that I had been molested by a relative, our landlord and hotel janitor in Naples, Italy and then raped by my boyfriend (see My Weight Loss Journey on 1/8/09 for full story). These incidents also shaped my view of sex. Through Randy Elrod's book, my eyes were opened to how God wants me to be sexually with my husband.
Randy Elrod reveals how God wants to be a part of our lives, our whole lives, and this includes our sexual part. I have been married for 28 years and the bedroom is one area that I have been leaving God out. Reading Sex, Lies & Religion showed me that there is more to sexual communion with my husband and how that communion can bring us closer to God. Randy Elrod breaks down the lies and shares the truths that he calls "sacred sexuality".
Randy Elrod says " Religious lies have programmed the ability to embrace God as Lover right out of our souls - and bodies." Then he poses the question: "Have you ever has an experience with God that was so amazing it exceeded your wildest and most fulfilling sexual moment?" If your answer is no, Randy Elrod says you're not alone and this book "will provide you the opportunity to experience profound intimacy with a seemingly untouchable and unseeable God."(Elrod, Sex, Lies & Religion,p.8)
This book has opened up dialogue with my husband and I, my prayer is that it will for you and your spouse.
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